Auditor-General Report on the Management of Occupational Health and Safety in Mining Operations by the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development

The second download included below is the press release
The audit of the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development’s management of occupational health and safety in mining operations in Zimbabwe was carried out to examine the efficiency and effectiveness with which the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development (MMMD) was carrying out its mandate. The legislative instruments that regulate health and safety issues in mining operations are Section 403 (h-q) of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05]; Statutory Instrument 72 of 1989-Explosives Regulations, 1989; Statutory Instrument 109 of 1990-Mining (Management and Safety) Regulations, 1990; Mining (Health and Sanitation) Regulations, 1995 and the Zimbabwe National Occupational Health and Safety policy.
The audit was motivated by the results of a pre-study that was conducted in 2015 and press reports which highlighted that there was poor occupational health and safety in mining operations in Zimbabwe.
From the results of the pre-study the Ministry had failed to carry out adequate monitoring of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues in mining operations and there was a high risk that mining operators would not comply with OHS regulations which require them to create and maintain a safe working environment.


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