June 2015

BILL WATCH 23-2015

BILL WATCH 23/2015

[27th June 2015]

Hurungwe West, Swearing-in of New MPs, New Vacancies

Hurungwe West By-Election

A controversy has arisen over whether ZANU-PF’s Keith Guzah, declared winner of the Hurungwe West by-election on 10th June, was validly nominated to stand for the constituency. 

What Does the Constitution Say?

BILL WATCH 23-2015

BILL WATCH 23/2015

[27th June 2015]

Hurungwe West, Swearing-in of New MPs, New Vacancies

Hurungwe West By-Election

A controversy has arisen over whether ZANU-PF’s Keith Guzah, declared winner of the Hurungwe West by-election on 10th June, was validly nominated to stand for the constituency. 

What Does the Constitution Say?



[26th June 2015]

The Constitutional Right to Water


Since time immemorial it has been acknowledged that water is important for people to lead their lives in human dignity.  Water is a prerequisite for the realisation of other fundamental human rights too, like the right to health and the right to a safe and clean environment.

BILL WATCH 22-2015

BILL WATCH 22/2015

[26th June 2015]

Both Houses of Parliament Will Continue Sitting Next Week

Sovereign Wealth Fund Act Now in Force

The Sovereign Wealth Fund of Zimbabwe Act has been brought into force and its first board of directors appointed [details of the relevant statutory instrument and official notice under the heading Government Gazette at the end of this bulletin].  

Robben Island Guidelines

The African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights establishes a regional human rights body, the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, with the mandate to promote the observance of the Charter, ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms set out in the Charter, interpret the Charter and advise on its implementation. Article 5 of the African Charter provides that every individual shall have the right to the respect of the dignity inherent in a human being and to the recognition of his legal status.

BILL WATCH 20-2015

BILL WATCH 20/2015

[9th June 2015]

Both Houses of Parliament Resume Today, Tuesday 9th June

When the two Houses of Parliament resume today, they are scheduled, according to the 2015 Sitting Calendar, to sit for eight consecutive weeks until 30th July.  There are normally three sittings a week. 

Appointment of Clerk of Parliament

BILL WATCH 19-2015

BILL WATCH 19/2015

[8th June 2015]

ZEC Appoints Chief Elections Officer

New Chief Elections Officer: Mrs Constance Chigwamba

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] has announced the appointment of Mrs Constance Chigwamba as Chief Elections Officer with effect from 1st June 2015.  She fills the vacancy caused by the death of the former Chief Elections Officer, Mr Lovemore Sekeremayi in June 2014.

BILL WATCH 17-2015

BILL WATCH 17/2015

[5th June 2015]

General Laws Amendment Bill:

Proposed Electoral Act Amendments: Part I


The General Laws Amendment Bill [GLA Bill] was gazetted on 8th May [The complete 65-page Bill is available from Veritas at the addresses given at the end of this bulletin].
