August 2015

BILL WATCH 35-2015

BILL WATCH 35/2015

[26th August 2015]

Parliament has adjourned until Tuesday 15th September

Labour Amendment Act Gazetted and in Force

The Labour Amendment Act was gazetted this morning as Act No. 5 of 2015.  The Act came into force immediately, i.e., with effect from Wednesday 26th August.  [Copy available from Veritas at the addresses given at the end of this bulletin]

President's State of the Nation Address, 25 August 2015


Tuesday 25th August 2015


Madame President of the Senate, Mr Speaker Sir; Honourable Members of Parliament; Invited Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen; Comrades and Friends.

As a Nation, we occasionally find time to reflect on our achievements and the challenges we face in our quest to improve people’s quality of life.

Communiqué of the 35th Summit of SADC Heads of State and Government, Gaborone Botswana, Aug 17-18, 2015

1. The 35th Ordinary meeting of the Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) was held at the Gaborone International Convention Centre in Gaborone, Republic of Botswana on 17th and 18th August 2015.

2. H.E. Robert Mugabe delivered a Keynote address and officially opened the Summit.

SI 2015-086 - Presidential Pension and Retirement Benefits (Services and facilities for Former Vice Presidents) Notice, 2015

THE President, in terms of section 3(1) of the Presidential Pension and Retirement Benefits Act [Chapter 2:05], hereby makes the following notice:-
1 This notice may be cited as the Presidential Pension and Retirement Benefits (Services and facilities for Former Vice Presidents) Notice, 2015.
2 A former Vice President of Zimbabwe who has at any time since December 1987 been Vice President of Zimbabwe for at least one full term of office, shall be entitled to use and enjoyment of the following services, facilities and allowances -

SI 2015-083 - National Prosecuting Authority (Code of Ethics) Regulations, 2015

IT is hereby notified that the National Prosecuting Authority has in terms of section 30(1) of the National Prosecuting Authority Act [Chapter 7:20], made the following regulations with the concurrence of the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliarmentary Affairs:-
These regulations may be cited as the National Prosecuting Authority (Code of Ethics) Regulations, 2015.

Zimbabwe Gender Commission Bill [H.B. 8A, 2014] (Amended)

This Bill seeks to establish a Gender Commission as provided for in section 245 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe which creates an independent institution called the Zimbabwe Gender Commission. It also seeks to fulfil international and regional instruments thatZimbabwe is a party to, namely: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

Banking Amendment Bill, 2015

This Bill will amend the Banking Act [Chapter 24:20] to enable it to deal more effectively with developments in the financial sector and in particular, to achieve the following objectives:
- to improve the corporate governance of banking institutions.
- to make banking institutions more responsive to their customers needs and to encourage the resolution of disputes between banks and their customers.
- to introduce greater transparency, in the shareholding and operations of banking institutions.

Labour Amendment Bill, 2015

The Labour amendmcnt Bill has come about in recognition of the need not only to align labour law's with the Constitution, in particular section 65 on Labour rights but also to promote productivity and competitiveness of local industry,- A consultative process was carried out by Government, by including its two social partners, labour and business. Together the tripartite partners come up with a draft amendment Bill.
