This Bill was not dealt with by the Eighth Parliament before its dissolution on 29th July 2018. It has since been replaced by a new Bill of the same name but numbered H.B.
The following Acts were gazetted in a Government Gazette Extraordinary on Wednesday 14th March [see General Notice 158A/2018]. They are the first Acts of 2018. Both came into force immediately:
Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By-laws, 2018
IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Justice. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has, in terms of section 63 of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07], approved the by-laws set out in the Schedule, which were adopted by a majority of members present at a general meeting of the Law Society of Zimbabwe.
Council Elections: President’s Proclamation of New Beitbridge Municipality
Usurps ZEC’s Functions
Unless ZEC acts to rectify the situation, people in Beitbridge will not be able to vote for councillors to represent them. And Beitbridge is not the only place that will have this problem.
It was expected that amendments to the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act would have been made in Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Amendment Bill.
Instead they were tucked away in the annual Finance Act, which deals mainly with taxation and as usual was passed by Parliament with little debate.