June 2023

Portfolio Committees' Report on Benchmarking Visit to Sweden

The joint Portfolio Committees on Energy and Power Development and Environment, Climate and Tourism embarked on a benchmarking visit to Stockholm, Sweden from 18 to 25 February, 2023. The delegation comprised Hon. G. Gabbuza, Chairperson of the Energy and Power Development and leader of the delegation,
● Hon. E Musakwa, Energy and Power Development Committee Member,
● Hon. S. Dzuma, Energy and power Development Committee Member,

SI 2023-117 Manpower Planning and Development (National Academies of Sciences) Regulations, 2023

Gazetted 23-06-2023

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Higher and TertiaryEducation, Innovation, Science and Technology Development has, in terms of section 6(e) as read with section 69 of the Manpower Planning and Development Act [Chapter 28:02], made the following regulations:—
