Bill Watch

BILL WATCH 41/2020

[28th June 2020]

Covid-19 Lock-down Order : New Amendments

BILL WATCH 40/2020

[27th June 2020]

The National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill


BILL WATCH 39/2020

[23rd June 2020]

The National Assembly Sat Last Week and Continues This Week

The Senate’s Next Sitting Will Be on Tuesday 30th June

Bills Coming Up This Week

BILL WATCH 38/2020

[19th June 2020]

Covid-19 Regulations and Order : Further Amendments and
Relaxation of Lock-down

BILL WATCH 37/2020

[17th June 2020]

Parliament Invites Public Comments on Two Bills:

(1)  Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill

(2)  Pension and Provident Funds Bill

On 16th June Parliament published notices on its website inviting the public to submit comments on the above two Bills for consideration by the relevant parliamentary committee(s). 

BILL WATCH 36/2020

[15th June 2020]

The Senate met on 9th and 10th June

The National Assembly will Sit on Tuesday 16th June

BILL WATCH 35/2020

[13th June 2020]

The Attorney-General’s Office Amendment Bill


This is an odd Bill, in that it will amend an Act of Parliament which was passed by Parliament nearly nine years ago but has never been brought into force.  Some of the Bill’s provisions are even odder, as we shall show in this Bill Watch.

BILL WATCH 34/2020

[7th June 2020]

National Assembly Sittings 2nd to 4th June

Amended Marriages Bill Approved

BILL WATCH 33/2020

[1st June 2020]

In the National Assembly Last Week & Coming up This Week

The National Assembly was the only House sitting last week and will sit again this week, starting on 2nd June.  This bulletin outlines first the business done last week and then the business on the Order Paper for this week. 

The Senate last sat on 21st May and is not due to sit again until Tuesday 9th June.

BILL WATCH 32/2020

[27th May 2020]

Covid-19 Lock-down Order : Amended Again

BILL WATCH 31/2020

[26th May 2020]

Parliament Resumes Business

BILL WATCH 30/2020

[20th May 2020]

Government Gazettes Update: 25th April to 18th May

This bulletin lists and briefly outlines the content of Statutory Instruments [SIs] and some General Notices [GNs] published in Government Gazettes from 25th April to 18th May 2020.  Those SIs on which Veritas has already commented have links to the relevant Bill Watch bulletins.

BILL WATCH 29/2020

[17th May 2020]

National Lockdown Extended – but with Further Relaxations

and Subject to Fortnightly Reviews

Indefinite Extension of COVID-19 National Lockdown

BILL WATCH 28/2020

[17th May 2020]

Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill Gazetted

The long-awaited Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill was gazetted on Friday 15th May as H.B. 18, 2019.  The Bill is available for downloading on the Veritas website here [link].


Correction of Number of last Bill Watch

BILL WATCH 27/2020

[13th May 2020]

A Mini-Parliament Sat Briefly on Tuesday 5th May

Both Houses Will Sit Again on Tuesday 19th May

BILL WATCH 26/2020

[8th May 2020]

Covid-19 Regulations and Order : Yet More Amendments

Late on Wednesday the Government published further amendments to the regulations and order dealing with the Covid-19 epidemic.  They are contained in two statutory instruments, both of which are available on the Veritas website:

BILL WATCH 25/2020

[5th May 2020]

Lock-down Order : More Amendments in SI 101

 “Thick and fast they came at last,

And more and more and more.

Lewis Carol

BILL WATCH 24/2020

[5th May 2020]

The Law Society Statement on the Deferment of Rents and Mortgage Payments (SI 96 of 2020)

Further Relaxation of National Lock-down

The original lock-down from the 30th March to the 19th April was extended by two weeks and was due to end on Sunday 3rd May [see Bill Watch 17/2020 of 20th April [link]]

BILL WATCH 21/2020

[29th April 2020]

Is Parliament Going to Resume Sitting Next Week?

The present Parliamentary recess began on 18th March, when both Houses resolved to adjourn until Tuesday 5th May after the President’s announcement of special measures to be taken against the COVID-19 pandemic. 
