Bill Watch

BILL WATCH 63/2019

[24th November 2019]

ZANU-PF versus MDC-A : Chairing of Parliamentary Committees


BILL WATCH 62/2019

[21st November 2019]

Both Houses of Parliament Have Adjourned

The National Assembly Will Meet Again on Tuesday 26th November

The Senate Will Not Meet until Tuesday 3rd November

BILL WATCH 61/2019

[16th November 2019]

Two Major New Acts Gazetted:

Maintenance of Peace and Order Act

Companies and Other Business Entities Act

Both the above Acts were published in a Government Gazette Extraordinary dated 15th November 2019.  

BILL WATCH 60/2019

[15th November 2019]

The New Ministerial Line-up

On Friday 8th November the Office of the President and Cabinet announced changes made by President Mnangagwa to his Ministerial line-up with immediate effect. The following tables show the complete Ministerial line-up including the changes, in alphabetical order by name of Ministry. 

BILL WATCH 59/2019

[14th November 2019]

The 2020 National Budget Was Presented Today

Under the Theme

“Gearing for Higher Productivity, Growth and Job Creation”

BILL WATCH 58/2019

[11th November 2019]

Both Houses of Parliament Will be Sitting This Week

The 2020 National Budget Presentation will be on Thursday 14th November

BILL WATCH 57/2019

[7th November 2019]

Update on Parliamentary Sittings 22nd to 24th October

Both Houses of Parliament Will Reassemble on Tuesday 12th November

Both Houses will reconvene next week, having adjourned until Tuesday 12th November after their last sittings on 24th October.  In the meantime, MPs and Ministers have been attending the pre-Budget Seminar at Victoria Falls from 30th October to 4th November.

BILL WATCH 56/2019

[30th October 2019]

International Treaties Bill

BILL WATCH 55/2019

[24th October 2019]

Both Houses of Parliament are Sitting This Week

Parliament Criticised for Low Output of Bills Last Session

BILL WATCH 54/2019

[22nd October 2019]

Both the Senate and the National Assembly Resume Sittings Today

Note:  The President has declared Friday 25th October a public holiday

to allow Zimbabweans to attend solidarity against sanctions on Zimbabwe events.

Coming up in Parliament

BILL WATCH 53/2019

[20th October 2019]

Update on Statutory Instruments: Part 2

This bulletin continues where Bill Watch 52 of 16th October [“Statutory Instruments:  Part 1]” [link] stopped;  it will deal with Government Gazettes from SI 205/2019 of 20th September up to SI 221/2019 of 18th October.  

BILL WATCH 52/2019

[16th October 2019]

Update on Government Gazettes and Statutory Instruments
Part 1

BILL WATCH 51/2019

[1st October 2019]

The Second Session of this Parliament Opened Today

Ceremonial Opening of Parliament

An error in the third paragraph below was corrected on 6th October.
[date of gazetting SIs 212 and 213 corrected to 27th September 2019]


BILL WATCH 50/2019

[29th September 2019]

Further Government Measures To Outlaw Use of

US Dollars & Other Foreign Currencies in Domestic Transactions

BILL WATCH 49/2019

[24th September 2019]

Both Houses of Parliament Sit this Week

These Sittings are the Last in this Parliamentary Session

The Next Parliamentary Session will Open on Tuesday 1st October

Opening of the Next Session of Parliament

BILL WATCH 48/2019

[3rd September 2019]

Both Houses of Parliament Are Sitting Again This Week

Bills in Parliament Last Week

Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill [completed]

BILL WATCH 47/2019

[26th August 2019]

Both Houses of Parliament Will Resume Sitting on Tuesday 27th August

The Senate’s Special Sitting on 14th August

BILL WATCH 46/2019

[22nd August 2019]

SADC Summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 17th - 18th August

The 39th Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) was held at the Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre in Dar es Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania last weekend.  All sixteen SADC member States were represented. 

New SADC Leadership August 2019 – August 2020

BILL WATCH 45/2019

[12th August 2019]

The National Assembly Has Adjourned until 27th August

The Senate Will Meet on Wednesday 14th August for Special Business

BILL WATCH 44/2019

[12th August 2019]

Amendments Made to the Maintenance of Peace and Order Bill
