Bill Watch

BILL WATCH 41/2014

[29th October 2014]

Parliament has Adjourned until Tuesday 25th November

President Sets Legislative Agenda at Opening of Second Session

On Tuesday, 28th October 2014, President Mugabe opened the Second Session of the Eighth Parliament of Zimbabwe.

BILL WATCH 40/2014

[26th October 2014]

The President Will Officially Open the Second Session of Parliament
on Tuesday 28th October

BILL WATCH 39/2014

[23rd October 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament are in Recess until 28th October

Mid-Term Budget Acts Gazetted

Appropriation (Supplementary) Act and Finance (No. 2) Act

BILL WATCH 38/2014

[30th September 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament Have Adjourned until 28th October

The following documents referred in this bulletin are available from the addresses given at the end of this bulletin:

- Fiscal Policy Review Statement presented on 11th September

- Monetary Policy Statement issued by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe on 25th August

BILL WATCH 37/2014

[24th September 2014]

Last Week of the Present Parliamentary Session

Houses Resolve to End “Session” on 25th September

Last week both Houses of Parliament resolved that “the First Session of the Eighth Parliament will end on Thursday 25th September 2014”[Full text of the resolutions available from the addresses given at the end of this bulletin.]

BILL WATCH 36/2014

[22nd September 2014]

Mid Term Fiscal Policy Review Debate, Finance (No. 2) Bill,
Sovereign Wealth Fund of Zimbabwe Bill

Mid Term Fiscal Policy Review

BILL WATCH 35/2014

[11th September 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament Are Sitting Again This Week

Extension of Defence Forces Retirement Age: Not Compliant with Constitution

BILL WATCH 34/2014

[9th September 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament Are Sitting Again This Week

Coming Up in Parliament This Week

Both Houses of Parliament are sitting this week, for the third week in a row.


BILL WATCH 33/2014

[2nd September 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament Are Sitting This Week

Government’s Foreign Financial Deals: Not Binding until Parliament Approves

President Mugabe and the Minister of Finance and Economic Development Chinamasa have reportedly signed a number of agreements with Chinese entities for the financing of infrastructural development in Zimbabwe. 

BILL WATCH 32/2014

[28th August 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament Are Sitting This Week

34th SADC Summit: Victoria Falls: 17th & 18th August

The SADC Heads of State and Government met at Victoria Falls on 17th and 18th August in the organisation’s 34th Summit.  [Summit communiqué dated 18th August available from Veritas at the addresses given at the end of this bulletin.]

BILL WATCH 31/2014

[25th August 2014]

Both Houses of Parliament Resume Sitting Tomorrow 26th August

Electoral Amendment Act Now Law

The Electoral Amendment Act [No. 6 of 2014] was gazetted on 20th August in a Government Gazette Extraordinary and came into operation that day.  [Act available from addresses below]

BILL WATCH 30/2014

[29th July 2014]

 The Senate & National Assembly Will Not Sit Again until 26th August

Zimbabwe Gender Commission Bill

BILL WATCH 29/2014

[21st July 2014]

Update on PLC’s Adverse Report on Zimbabwe’s “Spying Regulations”
SI 142/2013:
 Postal and Telecommunications (Subscriber Registration) Regulations

SI 142/2013 Repealed & PLC Adverse Report Withdrawn

New Regulations Gazetted

BILL WATCH 28/2014

[16th July 2014]

Parliament is Sitting this Week

BILL WATCH 27/2014

[17th June 2014]

Parliament is in Recess until Tuesday 1st July

Two Acts Gazetted on 13th June

The two Acts listed below were gazetted on Friday 13th June by General Notice [GN] 250/2014, which notified that the President had assented to the relevant Bills.  [Please note that soft copies are not yet available.]

BILL WATCH 26/2014

[12th June 2014]

Parliament is in Recess until Tuesday 1st July World Cup Kicks Off in Brazil Today

Unfinished Business in Parliament

What is the Status of SI 142/2013? Postal and Telecommunications (Subscriber Registration) Regulations

a.k.a. Zimbabwe’s Online Spying Law ?

BILL WATCH 25/2014

[2nd June 2014]

Public Meetings on the State of the Information & Media Industry in Zimbabwe

Mashonaland West, Masvingo and Midlands: 4th to 6th June

The Information and Media Panel of Inquiry [IMPI will be holding further public meetings in Mashonaland West, Masvingo and Midlands on Wednesday 4th, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th June. 

BILL WATCH 24/2014

[25th May 2014]

Public Meetings on the State of the Information & Media Industry in Zimbabwe

Mashonaland West, 27th to 29th May

This week there will be further public meetings in the countrywide Outreach Programme of the Information and Media Panel of Inquiry [IMPI], in Mashonaland West. 

BILL WATCH 23/2014

[19th May 2014]

Both Houses Will Sit Again on Tuesday 20th May

Coming up in the National Assembly This Week


BILL WATCH 22/2014

[16th May 2014]

Public Meetings on the State of the Information & Media Industry in Zimbabwe

Mashonaland East and Harare, 19th to 21st May

This coming week there will be further public meetings in the countrywide Outreach Programme of the Information and Media Panel of Inquiry [IMPI], in Mashonaland East and Harare. 
