BILL WATCH 43/2022
[20th September 2022]
The National Assembly Resumes Today, the Senate Next Week
BILL WATCH 43/2022
[20th September 2022]
The National Assembly Resumes Today, the Senate Next Week
BILL WATCH 42/2022
[16th September 2022]
The Electricity Amendment Bill
BILL WATCH 41/2022
[30th August 2022]
Supplementary Estimates Approved with Amendments on 25th August
Both Houses will Sit Again This Week
This bulletin is an update on what happened in Parliament last week. Both Houses sat on the afternoons of Tuesday 23rd, Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th August, then adjourned until today, Tuesday 30th August.
BILL WATCH 40/2022
[29th August 2022]
National Assembly’s Progress on 2022 Supplementary Budget
Tuesday 16th to Thursday 18th August 2022
This bulletin aims to bring readers up to date with the events in both Houses of Parliament last week, on Tuesday 16th, Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th August. Both the National Assembly and the Senate then adjourned until Tuesday 23rd August..
BILL WATCH 39/2022
[21st August 2022]
National Security Council Bill
BILL WATCH 38/2022
[18th August 2022]
Business in the National Assembly’s 26th to 28th July]
and Supplementary 2022 Budget Documents Available
BILL WATCH 37/2022
[16th August 2022]
Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill
In Light of Conventions to which Zimbabwe is a State Party
BILL WATCH 36/2022
[10th August 2022]
The Labour Amendment Bill : Part 1
BILL WATCH 35/2022
[28th July 2022]
Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill
Committee Stage Amendments Fast-tracked
Tuesday’s Proceedings on the PVO Amendment Bill
BILL WATCH 34/2022
[26thJuly 2022]
The Judicial Laws Amendment Bill : A Virtual Problem
BILL WATCH 33/2022
[24thJuly 2022]
Only the National Assembly Will Sit This Week
BILL WATCH 32/2022
[21st July 2022]
The Medical Services Amendment Bill
Correction of Date to Bill Watch 29/2022
The fourth line of the heading to Bill Watch 29/2022 wrongly stated that the Senate had adjourned until 12th July instead of the 19th July. The copies of the bulletin on the Veritas website have been suitably amended.
BILL WATCH 31/2022
[19th July 2022]
In the National Assembly 12th to 14th July
BILL WATCH 30/2022
[13th July 2022]
The Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill : A Better Option
BILL WATCH 29/2022
[12th July 2022]
Only the National Assembly Will be Sitting This Week
The Senate Sat Last Week and Adjourned until Tuesday 19th July
In the Senate Last Week
Copper Control Amendment Bill [link] passed
BILL WATCH 28/2022
[2nd July 2022]
Parliament Has Not Been Sitting This Week
BILL WATCH 27/2022
[21st June 2022]
The National Assembly Will Continue Sitting This Week
The Senate Will Not Sit Again Until Tuesday 5th July
Progress on Two Bills Last Week [14th to 16th June]
BILL WATCH 26/2022
[16th June 2022]
The Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill :
The Minister’s Proposed Amendments
BILL WATCH 25/2022
[14th June 2022]
Condonation of Excess Expenditure : Here We Go Again
Last Friday a Financial Adjustments Bill was published in the Gazette to condone unauthorised expenditure incurred by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development for the years 2019 and 2020. The Bill can be accessed on the Veritas website [link].
BILL WATCH 24/2022
[11th June 2022]
Both Houses of Parliament Resumed Sitting on 7th June
and Will Continue Sitting Next Week
Parliament’s June sittings began on Tuesday 7th June. Both Houses had been in recess since Friday 19th May.