Bill Watch

BILL WATCH 56/2021

[4th August 2021]

Public Health Lock-down Order : Extension of Lock-down

BILL WATCH 55/2021

[3rd August 2021]

The Police Amendment Bill


BILL WATCH 54/2021

[3rd August 2021]

Only the National Assembly is Sitting This Week

The Senate has Adjourned until Tuesday 17th August

BILL WATCH 53/2021

[2nd August 2021]

Cyber and Data Protection Bill Requires Correction by both Houses

Note on the New Title of the Bill

BILL WATCH 52/2021

[26th July 2021]

Both Houses Will Continue Sitting This Week

BILL WATCH 51/2021

[21st July 2021]

Both Houses Are Sitting This Week

Both the National Assembly and the Senate sat yesterday, 20th July, and will continue sitting today and tomorrow.  Only small numbers of members will be physically present in the two chambers.  Other MPs will participate virtually.  This bulletin will cover business done yesterday and the agenda for both Houses for the rest of the week.

BILL WATCH 50/2021

[20th July 2021]

Update on National Assembly 29th June to 1st July

and Senate on 6th July

In the National Assembly from 29th June to 1st July 2021

Note: Documents marked ** will be available on the Veritas website as soon as we have reliable soft copies.


BILL WATCH 49/2021

Public Health Lock-down Order : Tightening and Extension of Lock-down

BILL WATCH 48/2021

[6th July 2021]

The Copper Control Amendment Bill


BILL WATCH 47/2021

[6th July 2021]

The Senate Will Resume Sitting on Tuesday 6th July

The National Assembly is Now in Recess Until Tuesday 20th July

BILL WATCH 46/2021

[4th July 2021]

Public Health Lock-down Order : Legalising the New Lock-down

BILL WATCH 45/2021

[30th June 2021]

Public Health Lock-down Order : Re-imposition of Lock-down

Since our last bulletin on the subject there have been two developments on the COVID-19 front:

The Veritas Model Bill is available here

BILL WATCH 44/2021

[30th June 2021]

The Guardianship of Minors Amendment Bill

BILL WATCH 43/2021

[29th June 2021]

The National Assembly will Sit Again from Tuesday 29th June

The Senate will Still be in Recess until Tuesday 6th July

Coming up in the National Assembly This Week


BILL WATCH 42/2021

[26th June 2021]

Call to Parliamentarians to Pass a Resolution

for Zimbabwe to Adopt the UN Convention against Torture

Today, the 26th June is the International Day in Support of Torture Victims

BILL WATCH 41/2021

[21st June 2021]

The National Assembly is in Recess until Tuesday 29th June

The Senate is in Recess until Tuesday 6th July

BILL WATCH 41/2021

[20th June 2021]

Model Bill Against Torture

The 26th June is the International Day in Support of Torture Victims

BILL WATCH 39/2021

[18th June 2021]

Public Health Lock-down Order : New Restrictions

BILL WATCH 38/2021

[17th June 2021]

Non-Legislative Business in Parliament Last Week

BILL WATCH 37/2021

[Tuesday 15th June 2021]

Both Houses are Sitting This Week

This bulletin deals with what is on the Order Papers for both Houses for this week’s sittings.  Whether or not any Bills will be deal with remains to be seen – last week there was no progress on Bills.
