Parliament Ad - Call for Nomination of Candidates to Anti-Corruption Commission

Advertisement published in press by Parliament of Zimbabwe
27th July 2014



The Standing Rules and Orders Committee of the Parliament of Zimbabwe is mandated in terms of sections 237 and 254 of the Constitution, to nominate candidates for appointment by his Excellency the President to serve as Commissioners on the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission provided for in Chapter 13 Part 1 of the Constitution.

The term of office of the eight (8) Commissioners expired on the 31st of August 2013 while that of the Chairperson will expire on the 31st of August 2014. Accordingly, the Standing Rules and Orders Committee is hereby calling on the Public to nominate persons to be considered for appointment to this Commission. The functions of the Commission and the person specifications are given below.

Functions of Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission

(section 255 of the Constitution)

The Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission has the following functions —

- to investigate and expose cases of corruption in the public and private sectors;

- to combat corruption, theft, misappropriation, abuse of power and other improper conduct in the public and private sectors;

- to promote honesty, financial discipline and transparency in the public and private sectors;

- to receive and consider complaints from the public and to take such action in regard to the complaints as the Commission considers appropriate;

- to direct the Commissioner-General of Police to investigate cases of suspected corruption and to report to the Commission on the results of any such investigation;

- to refer matters to the National Prosecuting Authority for prosecution;

- to require assistance from members of the Police Service and other investigative agencies of the State; and

- to make recommendations to the Government and other persons on measures to enhance integrity and accountability and prevent improper conduct in the public and private sectors.

Person Specifications

Members of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission must be chosen for their integrity and their knowledge of and experience in administration or the prosecution or investigation of crime or for their general suitability for appointment, and —

- at least one must be qualified to practise as a legal practitioner in Zimbabwe, and have been so qualified for at least seven years;

- at least one must be qualified to practise as a public accountant or public auditor in Zimbabwe, and have been so qualified for at least seven years; and

- at least one must be a person with at least ten years’ experience in the investigation of crime.


Nominations must be addressed to the Clerk of Parliament in envelopes clearly marked with the name of the Commission and must either be posted, hand delivered or emailed to:

The Clerk of Parliament

Parliament of Zimbabwe

Parliament Building

cnr. K. Nkrumah Avenue and Third Street

P.O. Box CY 298





Nomination material must consist of a typewritten submission of no more than two A4 pages long stating why the person nominated is a suitable candidate together with a completed nomination form which can be obtained at Parliament offices or downloaded from the website: - Publications


Closing date of submission is 31 August 2014.



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