Statutory Instrument 70 of 2015.
[CAP. 22:15
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (Demonetisation of Notes and Coins)
Notice, 2015
HIS Excellency the President, in terms of section 41 (2) and
section 44(3) oft he Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act i Chapter 22: J 5],
hereby makes the following notice:--
l. This notice may he cited as the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe
(Demonetisation of Notes and Coins) Notice, 2015.
Demonetisation of' notes and coins issued bef'ore 2008
2. All notes and coins issued hy the Bank before 2008 are hereby
demonetised with effect from the date of publication of this notice.
Demonetisation of certain notes and coins issued after 2008
3. All notes and coins issued by the Bank and listed in Parts I
and II of the Schedule are demonetised with effect from the date of
publication of this notice.