Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 23-2015



[3rd July 2015]

Open Committee Meetings Monday 6th July to Thursday 9th July

Open meetings scheduled for the week are as indicated below.

These details are based on the latest information from Parliament.  But, as there are sometimes last-minute changes to the meetings schedule, persons wishing to attend should avoid disappointment by checking with the relevant committee clerk [see below] that the meeting is still on and open to the public.  Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 700181 and 252940/1.

Members of the public may attend these meetings, but as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may observe and listen but not speak.  The meetings are at Parliament in Harare.  If attending, please use the entrance on Kwame Nkrumah Ave between 2nd and 3rd Streets.  Please note that IDs must be produced.

Monday 6th July at 10 am

Portfolio Committee:  Transport and Infrastructure Development

Oral evidence from Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe [CAAZ] on their operations

Committee Room No.  1

Chairperson: Hon Nduna

Clerk: Ms Macheza

Public Accounts Committee

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation Development and the Grain Marketing Board on the 2012-2014 GMB accounts

Committee Room No.  4

Chairperson: Hon Mpariwa

Clerk: Mrs Nyawo

Portfolio Committee:  Mines and Energy

Oral evidence from the State Procurement Board on the tendering system in the electricity sector

Senate chamber

Chairperson: Hon Matuke

Clerk: Mrs Maturuka 

Monday 6th July at 2 pm

Thematic Committee: HIV/AIDS

Oral evidence from  the National Aids Council

Government Caucus Room

Chairperson: Hon Timveos

Clerk: Mrs Khumalo

Portfolio Committee:  Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Oral evidence from  the Law Society of Zimbabwe on their expectations and experiences on the operations of the National Prosecuting Authority

Senate chamber

Chairperson: Hon Majome

Clerk: Mr Manhivi

Tuesday 7th July at 10 am

Thematic Committee: Gender and Development

Committee Room No.  4

Oral evidence from Plan International and Musasa Project on Early Child Marriages

Chairperson: Hon Makore

Clerk: Mr Chiremba

Portfolio Committee:  Health and Child Care

Committee Room No.  1                                         

Oral evidence from  the Permanent Secretary for Finance and Economic Development on the Targeted Approach Programme and the remittance of Premier Medical Aid Society [PSMAS] subscriptions

Chairperson: Hon Labode                      

Clerk: Mrs Mafuruse

Portfolio Committee: Foreign Affairs

Oral evidence from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon Mumbengegwi on the state of affairs at Diplomatic Missions

Committee Room No. 3

Chairperson: Hon Porusingazi

Clerk: Mr Manhivi

Portfolio Committee: Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development

Oral evidence from Registrar-General Mudede on the use of contraceptives and their effects on women

Committee Room No.  4

Chairperson: Hon Nyamupinga

Clerk: Mr Kunzwa

Wednesday 8th July at 9.00 am

Thematic Committee: Human Rights

Oral evidence from the Permanent Secretary for Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs on the State of Human Rights in Zimbabwe

Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon Nyambuya

Clerk: Mr Manhivi


Thursday 9th July at 9.30 am

Thematic Committee: Indigenisation and Empowerment

Oral evidence from the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs, Mashonaland East Province, on the establishment of Community Share Ownership Trusts in Mashonaland East

National Assembly chamber

Chairperson: Hon Chizema      

Clerk: Mrs Mafuruse

Portfolio Committee: Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment

Oral evidence from Hon Minister Mpofu and Hon Minister Kasukuwere on pledges made by Diamond Companies in Marange to the Zimunya-Marange Community Share Ownership Trust

Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon Wadyajena

Clerk: Mr Mazani

Thursday 9th July at 10.00 am

Portfolio Committee:  Media, Information and Broadcasting Services

Oral evidence from the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe [BAZ] on community radio stations

Committee Room No.  311

Chairperson: Hon Dehwa

Clerk: Mr Chiremba


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