Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 32-2015



[28th September 2015]

No Open Parliamentary Committee Meetings This Week

Thematic Committee and Portfolio Committee meetings will resume this week, starting on Monday 29th September.  But because they are the inaugural meetings for the Third Session, all the meetings will be in closed session.  Committees will be drawing up their work-plans for the new session.

New Portfolio Committee Chairpersons

On Thursday 24th September, during proceedings in the National Assembly, the Speaker announced changes in the chairing of several committees.  The new chairpersons are, as follows:

Portfolio Committee:  Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Chair:  Hon Goodluck Kwaramba, ZANU-PF proportional representation MP for Mashonaland West [replacing Hon Berita Chikwama following her appointment as  Deputy Minister of Lands and Rural Resettlement]

Portfolio Committee:  Environment, Water, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Chair: Hon Wonder Mashange, ZANU-PF MP for Rushinga [replacing Hon Anastancia Ndhlovu following her appointment as Deputy Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry]

Portfolio Committee:  Foreign Affairs

Chair: Hon Kindness Paradza, ZANU-PF MP for Makonde [replacing Hon Edgar Mbwembwe following his appointment as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs]

Portfolio Committee:  Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services

Chair: Hon Ronald Muderedzwa, ZANU-PF MP for Buhera Central [replacing Hon Clifford Sibanda following his appointment as Minister of State in the office of Vice-President Mnangagwa]

Portfolio Committee:  Education, Sport, Arts and Culture

Chair: Hon Never Khanye, ZANU-PF for Matobo North [replacing Hon Tapiwanashe Matangaidze, who chaired the committee following Temba Mliswa’s ouster from Parliament earlier this year]


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