Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 1-2016



[5th February 2016]

Committee Meetings Next Week: 8th to 11th February

No Meetings for Senate Thematic Committees

Senate Thematic Committees will not meet until the week commencing Monday 22nd February.  This is because the Senate itself has adjourned for the next two weeks, and Senate Committee business has been suspended until 22nd February.

Open Meetings for National Assembly Portfolio Committees

Portfolio meetings will go ahead next week, but only four will be open to the public, as follows:

Monday 8th February at 2 pm

Portfolio Committee:  Finance and Economic Development

Briefing from the Secretary to Finance and Economic Development on two Bills:

- Special Economic Zones Bill [available from Veritas – see end of this bulletin]]

- Public Finance Management Bill [available from Veritas – see end of this bulletin]

Venue:  Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon Chapfika

Clerk: Mr Ratsakatika

Tuesday 9th February at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Foreign Affairs

Oral evidence from the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the Status of Foreign Missions Abroad

Venue:  Committee Room No. 3

Chairperson: Hon K. Paradza

Clerk: Mr Manhivi

Portfolio Committee:  Local Government, Rural and Urban Development

Oral evidence from the Mayor and Town Clerk of Chitungwiza Municipality on Service Delivery

Venue:  Committee Room No. 311

Chairperson: Hon Zindi

Clerk: Ms Macheza

Thursday 11th February at 9.30 am

Portfolio Committee:  Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment

Oral evidence from the Minister of Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment on the new Indigenisation Frameworks and the Localised Empowerment Accelerated Facility

Venue:  Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon Wadyajena

Clerk: Ms Zenda

Information for members of the public wishing to attend

Members of the public may attend these meetings, but as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may observe and listen but not speak.  The meetings are at Parliament in Harare.  If attending, please use the entrance on Kwame Nkrumah Ave between 2nd and 3rd Streets.  Please note that IDs must be produced.

These details are based on the latest information from Parliament.  But, as there are sometimes last-minute changes to the meetings schedule, persons wishing to attend should avoid disappointment by checking with the committee clerk [see above] that the meeting concerned is still on and open to the public.  Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 700181 and 252940/1.

What Other Committees will be Doing in Closed Meetings

Other portfolio committees will also be meeting during the week, but in closed session.  

Committee Reports in Course of Preparation

Several committees will be considering drafts of reports for presentation to the National Assembly, including reports on the following subjects:

- Growth of the Mobile Sector in Zimbabwe [Portfolio Committee on Information Communication Technology, Postal and courier services]

- Implementation of the Targeted Approach Programme for Mission Hospitals [Portfolio Committee on Health and Child Care]

- Air Zimbabwe [Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructure Development]

- Analysis Of The Auditor General’s Reports For The Financial Year Ending 31 December 2015  [Public Accounts Committee]

- Challenges Faced In Primary And Secondary Education  [Portfolio Committee on Education, Sports, Arts and Culture]

Other Committee Business

- Petition on Electoral Reforms  The Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs will be considering a petition from the Electoral Resource Centre imploring Parliament to ensure that the Executive aligns the Electoral Act to the Constitution.  [On 4th February the Speaker informed the National Assembly that the petition was received in October 2015 and had been referred to the Portfolio Committee in terms of National Assembly Standing Orders]. 

- Presentation on Criminal Defamation   The Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Broadcasting Services will hear a presentation from Counsel to Parliament on the Constitutional Court’s decision on criminal defamation handed down on Wednesday 3rd February.


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