Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 06-2016



[11th March 2016]

Parliamentary Committee Meetings: 14th to 17th March

The Coming Week’s Open Meetings

Portfolio Committee meetings that will be open to the public are listed below.

Information for members of the public wishing to attend

Members of the public may attend open meetings, but as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may observe and listen but not speak.  The meetings are at Parliament in Harare.  If attending, please use the entrance on Kwame Nkrumah Ave between 2nd and 3rd Streets.  Please note that IDs must be produced.

The details given below are based on the latest information from Parliament.  But, as there are sometimes last-minute changes to the meetings schedule, persons wishing to attend should avoid disappointment by checking with the committee clerk [see above] that the meeting concerned is still on and open to the public.  Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 700181 and 252940/1.

Monday 14th March at 10 am

Portfolio Committee:  Transport and Infrastructure Development

Oral evidence from  the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Infrastructure Development

Venue: Committee Room No. 1

Chairperson: Hon Nduna

Clerk: Ms Macheza

Public Accounts Committee

Oral evidence from  the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on the 2014 Accounts

Venue: Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon Mpariwa

Clerk: Mrs Nyawo

Portfolio Committee:  Higher Education, Science and Technology

Portfolio Committee:  Women’s Affairs, Gender and Community Development

Presentation by the Female Students Network Trust on issues affecting female students in institutions of higher learning

Venue: Senate Chamber

Chairpersons: Hon Mataruse and Hon Nyamupinga

Clerks: Mrs Hazvina and Mr Kunzwa

Monday 14th March at 2 pm

Portfolio Committee:  Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Oral evidence from the Civil Service Commission on the working conditions of civil servants

Venue: Committee Room No. 1

Chairperson: Hon Kwaramba

Clerk: Ms Masara

Tuesday 15th March at 10 am

Portfolio Committee:  Lands, Agriculture Mechanisation and Irrigation

Oral evidence from  the Chairperson of the Livestock and Meat Advisory Council and the Chairperson of the Abattoirs Association

Venue: Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon Chitindi

Clerk: Mr Chiremba

Portfolio Committee:  Local Government, Rural and Urban Development

Oral evidence from  the Minister of Rural Development, Preservation and Promotion of National Culture and Heritage on the Ministry’s mandate

Venue: National Assembly Chamber

Chairperson: Hon Zindi

Clerk: Ms Macheza 

Wednesday 16th March at 9 am

Joint meeting of Thematic Committee: Human Rights and

Portfolio Committee:  Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Oral evidence from  the Permanent Secretary for Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Venue: Senate Chamber

Chairpersons: Hon Nyambuya and Hon Kwaramba

Clerks: Mr Manhivi and Ms Masara

Thursday 17th March at 9 am

Thematic Committee: Peace and Security

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Home Affairs

Venue: Committee Room No.  4

Chairperson: Hon Mumvuri

Clerk: Mr Kunzwa

Thursday 17th March at 10 am

Thematic Committee: Indigenisation and Empowerment

Oral evidence from  the Joint President’s Council for Farmers Union

Venue: Government Caucus Room

Chairperson: Hon Chizema

Clerk: Mrs Mafuruse  

Other Committee Activities

Committee activities NOT open to the public include the following

Consideration of petition to bar “revenge pornography”

The Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs will be considering a petition from the Katswe Sisterhood seeking the enactment of a law to bar revenge pornography, to protect individuals from having their nude or sexually explicit pictures or videos published without their consent.  Revenge pornography has been defined as the distribution of sexually explicit pictures or videos of an individual without consent mainly done by an ex-lover to seek revenge after a relationship has gone sour.

Note: The “Katswe Sistahood is a movement of dynamic young women fighting for the full attainment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) by women in Zimbabwe” [quote from their website].

Workshop on Three Ministry of Mines Bills

Parliament, in conjunction with the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development, has organised a one-and-a-half day sensitisation workshop on the following Bills from the Ministry—   

- Pan-African Minerals University of Science and Technology Bill [gazetted on 22nd January] [available from Veritas]

- Minerals Exploration and Marketing Corporation Bill [gazetted on 8th December 2015] [available from Veritas]

- Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill [not yet gazetted and not available from Veritas]

Those invited to the workshop are—

- chairpersons of all Portfolio Committees

- members of the following Portfolio Committees:

Finance and Economic Development;

Mines and Energy;

Industry and Commerce;

Youth, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment.


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