Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 11-2016



[8th April 2016]

Public Hearings on (1) Special Economic Zones Bill &

(2) Public Finance Management Amendment Bill

Monday 11th April to Saturday 16th April

The Portfolio Committee on Finance and Economic Development will be holding public hearings from Monday 11th April to Saturday 16th April on —

- the Special Economic Zones Bill and

- the Public Finance Management Bill

The week’s programme is as follows:

Date and Time

City/town and Venue

Monday 11th April


9.00 am to 12 noon

Crown Plaza Hotel

Tuesday 12th April


9.00 am to 12 noon

Amber Hotel

Wednesday 13th April


9.00 am to 12 noon

Masvingo Civic Centre

Thursday 14th April


9.00 am to 12 noon

Small City Hall

Friday 15th April

Victoria Falls

9.00 am to 12 noon

Victoria Falls Council Boardroom

Saturday 16th April


11.00 am

Kwekwe Theatre

Attendance at the public hearings

The purpose of the public hearings is to give the public an opportunity to express their views on the two Bills.   Stakeholders, interested groups, organisations and all members of the public are welcome to attend the hearings, at which they will be given the opportunity to make representations.  

The committees will be reporting back to National Assembly and contributions made at the public hearings will be part of its reports.  So the hearings provide an excellent opportunity for members of the public to convey what they think of the Bill to members of Parliament generally.

If you want to make oral representations at a hearing, signify this to the committee clerk before the hearing, if possible, so that she or he can notify the chairperson to call on you.  An oral representation is more effective if followed up in writing.  If you are providing a written copy, it is advisable to take as many copies as possible with you for circulation at the hearing.

Written submissions

For those who cannot attend a hearing, written submissions and correspondence are also welcome, and must be submitted before Friday 15th April.  They should be addressed to The Clerk of Parliament, Attention: Portfolio Committee on Finance and Economic Development and:—

- sent by email – addressed to, or

- delivered – if delivering, use the Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance to Parliament, between Second and Third Streets, Harare, or

- sent by post – to  P.O. Box CY298 Causeway, Harare.


Queries about the public hearings can be addressed to the committee clerk, Mr C. Ratsakatika on Parliament’s telephone numbers:  (04) 700181-8, 252936-50 [extension 2050].

Committee chairperson

Hon . Chapfika

About the Special Economic Zones Bill

The following facts may be of interest to concerned organisations and individuals—

1.  Labour Act and Indigenisation Act Not Applicable to Licensed Investors in Special Economic Zones

Workers and their trade unions – and indigenisation and empowerment campaigners – may wish to say something about clause 56, which is as follows:

“56    Chapter 28:01 and Chapter 14:33 not to apply

The Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] and the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act [Chapter 14:33] shall not apply to licensed investors operating in a special economic zone.

The Authority [i.e. the Special Economic Zones Authority] may, in consultation with the Minister responsible for the administration of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01], provide rules for conditions of service, termination of service, dismissal from service and disciplinary hearings that apply within every special economic zone.”

2.  Bill has had a Non-Adverse Report from the PLC

On 5th April it was announced in the National Assembly that the Parliamentary Legal Committee had given a non-adverse report on the Special Economic Zones Bill.   This means that the Minister of Finance and Economic Development can now deliver his Second Reading speech.  The Second Reading stage will not, however, continue until the Portfolio Committee has presented its report and MPs have had a chance to debate the Bill in the light of the Minister’s speech and the Committee’s report.

The Bills and Other Relevant Documents are Available from Veritas

Both bills are available from Veritas in soft copy, as is the Public Finance Management Act.  Also available for comparison purposes is the repealed Export Processing Zones Act, on which the Special Economic Zones Bill has obviously been based. 

To access these documents on the Veritas website, readers are invited to use the following links [place your cursor over the link and then depress Ctrl key and Left Click]—

Special Economic Zones Bill

Public Finance Management Amendment Bill

Public Finance Management Act

Export Processing Zones Act [repealed]

Alternatively, if without Internet access, email Veritas [see address below] for the material you would like and it will be sent to you by return email.


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