2016 JSC - Judicial Appointments Nomination Form

About this form
Before filling in this form please read sections 177, 178, and 179 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe in order to understand the relevant qualifications required for persons to be nominated for appointment to office of judge. Also read and understand section 180 of the Constitution as well as the advertisement of the position in order to understand the obligations of the Judicial Service Commission, and members of the public in respect to the process.

The purpose of this Form
This form was designed to assist members of the public to make nominations of any persons who qualify to be a Judge of the Constitutional Court/Supreme Court/High Court/Labour Court/Administrative Court in terms of section 180 (2)(b) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
1. Use a separate form for each nomination
2. Attach to each form the nominee’s curriculum vitae
3. Deliver the completed form together with the nominee’s curriculum vitae to the Secretary of the Judicial Service Commission, Old Supreme Court Building, Cnr. Kwame Nkrumah Ave/Third Street or to the office of any Provincial Magistrate in charge of a province.

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