1.0 Introduction.
Children's homes provides the safest and conducive environment for abused children to grow up. The Ministy of Public Service, Labour and Social Care is responsible for deployrrent of need children to various children's shelters as well as disbursement of government grants for their operations. However, children's homes have been characterized with deteriorating standards. In view of the above, the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development resolved to conduct an inquiry on the challenges being faced by children's homes and to assess the functional status of the various children's homes where a number of abused children end up living.
2.0 Objectives.
The Committee was guided by the following objectives;
o To identify and appreciate the challenges being faced by children accorlmodated at
children's homes;
o To assess the status of children's homes;
o To explore legislative and policy considerations regarding children's homes and;
o To offer policy recommendations for improvements.
3.0 Methodology.
3.1 Study Tour.
In an effort to appreciate, first hand experiences of children housed in orphanages, the Thematic Committee on Gender and Development conducted a fact finding visit to children's shelters from the 4th - 8th of April 2016. Children homes visited are; Mathew Rusike, Ivordale, Chirinda, Alpha Cottages, SOS Chitdren's village, Midlands' Children's home, Maryward and Kadoma Training Institute.