Broadcasting as an industry and as a practice is an integral mechanism for the promotion of freedom of expression and access to information by members of the public. The Broadcasting industry plays a crucial role in economic development through creation of employment opportunities. The Broadcasting industy is critical in developing artistic talent and showcasing a nation's culture and traditions to the worid. In an effort to improve the broadcasting environment, the Government is impiementing the Zimbabwe Digital Broadcasting Migration Project (ZDBMP), aimed at replacing the current analogue television broadcasting system to the new digital broadcasting platform in line with the intemational Telecommunication Union (ITU) requirements. During the Official Opening of the 3rd Session of the 8th Parliament, the President, His Excellency, Cde R. G Mugabe indicated that government has embarked on a US$125 million digitalization program. ln addition, the 2016 National Budget Statement emphasized the importance of the project by noting that the
Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ) had earmarked US$132 million from the Broadcasting Fund for this purpose. Pursuant to its oversight function, the Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Broadcasting Services resolved conducted an inquiry into the progress made towards the Zimbabwe Digital Broadcasting Migration Project. This report also follows the Committee's First Report on "Alignment of media Laws and progress made towards fulfillment of digitalization" which was produced in the 1st Session of the 8th Parliament.