ZEP-RE (Membership of Zimbabwe and Branch Office Agreement) - H.B. 9-2016

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To enable effect to be given within Zimbabwe of the Host Agreement between the Government of Zimbabwe concerning the ZEp-RE (PTA Reinsurance company); and to provide for matters incidentai to or
connected therewith.

WHEREAS the Agreement for the Establishment of the ZEP-RE (PTA Reinsurance Company) (hereinafter called "the company") was concluded on November 23,1990, among member states of the Preferential Trade Area (PTA) (now the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), including Zimbabwe, by virtue of which Zimbabwe is a member;
AND WHEREAS the decision of the tenth meeting of the PTA Authority that the company commence operations on September 1, 1992;

AND WHEREAS to conclude an agreement for the purposes of regulating matters relating to the legal capacity and privileges and immunities of the company to be recognised and granted in line with the provisions of Article 40 of the agreement establishing the company.
