Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 30-2017



Open Committee Meetings Monday 27th and Thursday 29th November

The committee meetings listed below, to be held at Parliament in Harare, will be open to the public. Members of the public may attend the meetings as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may observe and listen but not speak. If attending, please use the entrance to Parliament on Kwame Nkrumah Ave between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Please note that IDs must be produced.

The details given in this bulletin are based on the latest information from Parliament. But, as there are sometimes last-minute changes to the meetings schedule, persons wishing to attend should avoid disappointment by checking with the committee clerk [names provided below] that the meeting concerned is still on and open to the public. Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 700181 and 252940/1.

Reminder: Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can at any time send written submissions to Parliamentary committees by email addressed to or by letter posted to the Clerk of Parliament, P.O. Box 298, Causeway, Harare or delivered to Parliament’s Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance in Harare.

Open Committee Meetings This Week

Monday 27th November at 10.00 am

Public Accounts Committee

Oral evidence from the Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development on­:

·        Appropriation Account for year ended 31st December 2016

·        Amenities Fund Accounts for years ended 31st December 2011 and 2016

·        Innovation and Commercialisation Fund Accounts for years ended 31st December 2014 and 2015

·        National Education and Training Fund Accounts for year ended 31st December 2014

Venue: Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon Mpariwa

Clerk: Mrs Nyawo

Portfolio Committee: Environment, Water, Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Venue: Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon Mashange

Clerk: Mr Mazani

Monday 27th November at 2 pm

Portfolio Committee: Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Oral evidence from the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission on the Electoral Amendment Bill.

Venue: Senate Chamber

Chairperson: Hon Ziyambi

Clerk: Mrs Khumalo

Wednesday 29th November at 9.00 am

Thematic Committee: Human Rights

Oral evidence from the Permanent Secretary for Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on programmes and policies for vulnerable groups.

Venue: Committee Room No. 4

Chairperson: Hon Senator Nyambuya

Clerk: Mr Manhivi

Topics to be considered in Closed Committee Meetings

ZEC preparedness for 2018 elections  The Thematic Committees on Gender and Development will be deliberating on submissions from the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission on preparedness for the forthcoming general elections.

Alignment of media laws with the Constitution  The Portfolio Committee on Media, Information and Broadcasting Services will be deliberating on submissions received from the Media Institute of Southern Africa [MISA] on the alignment of media laws.

RBZ debt  The Portfolio Committee on Finance and Economic Development will considering submissions on the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe debt assumed by the State.

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