SI 2018-037 Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By laws

Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By-laws, 2018

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Justice. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has, in terms of section 63 of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07], approved the by-laws set out in the Schedule, which were adopted by a majority of members present at a general meeting of the Law Society of Zimbabwe.




WHEREAS section 23 of the Act prescribes certain acts and omissions which constitute unprofessional, dishonourable or unworthy conduct on the part of a registered legal practitioner in the 00111*86 of his or her practice as such or as a notary public or conveyancer;

AND WHEREAS the said section provides that the said prescription shall not preclude the Society from prescribing by-laws, further acts which shall constitute such unprofessional, dishonourable or unworthy conduct;

AND WHEREAS section 63(2)(k) of the Act provides that by-laws may be made by the Society if adopted by a majority of members present personally or by proxy at a General Meeting of the Society, defining acts which constitute unprofessional, dishonourable or unworthy conduct on the part of legal practitioners ;

AND WHEREAS the Council resolved on the 2nd of December, 2013, to prescribe further acts and omissions which will constitute unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct, to consolidate these with the acts and omissions contained in section 23 of the Act in order to produce a comprehensive code and convert such code into by laws:

NOW, THEREFORE, it is provided that unprofessional, dishonourable or unworthy conduct on the part of a registered legal practitioner, a notary public or a conveyancer shall include, but not to be limited to, any of the following acts or omissions 


  1. These by-laws may be cited as the Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By-laws, 2018.


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