Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 12-2013



[27th May 2013]

Public Hearings on Income Tax Bill This Week


The House of Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion will be conducting public hearings on the Income Tax Bill this week in Harare, Mutare, Masvingo and Bulawayo.  Dates, times and venues are as follows:

Harare, Tuesday 28th May

Rainbow Towers – 9 am to 12 noon

Mutare, Wednesday 29th May

Amber Hotel, 9 am to 12.30 pm

Masvingo, Thursday 30th May

Civic Centre Hall, 9 am to 12.30 pm

Bulawayo, Friday 31st May

Bulawayo Holiday Inn, 9 am to 12.30 pm.

The public, interested groups and organisations are invited to the hearings to express their views their on the Bill [available in soft copy from].  Contributions made will be considered by the Portfolio Committee and will be part of its report to be tabled in the House of Assembly, where the Second Reading debate on the Bill is due to start on Tuesday 4th June.

If attending

If you want to make oral representations, signify this to the Committee Clerk before the hearing so that he can notify the chairperson to call on you.  An oral submission is more effective if followed up in writing.  If you are making a written submission, it is advisable to take as many copies as possible for circulation at the hearing.

If not attending

Written submissions and correspondence are welcome and should be addressed to:

The Clerk of Parliament

Attention: Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Investment Promotion

P.O. Box CY298



or sent by email to

or delivered to Parliament Building in Harare using the Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance between 2nd and 3rd Streets.

Reminder: Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can at any time send written submissions to Parliamentary committees by email addressed to


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