HMA - 203/18 3rd Respondent's HOA - Veritas v ZBC

i. The relief sought against the 3'd respondent, as supported by the founding affidavit, cannot be granted considering the existence of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Media Coverage of Elections) Regulations, 2008, (the regulations).
ii. In terms of s157 (5) of the Constitution, after the calling of an election, no change to the Electoral Law or any other law relating to elections has effect for the purpose of that election.
iii. Access to information under s62 of the Constitution must be sought in terms of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, [Cap 10:27]. (AIPPA). and where such information is not availed following a request in terms of the statute,
a party must avail themselves of the remedies prescribed in terms of the statute.

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