SI 2013-85 - Presidential Powers Electoral Act Amendment Regulations

Presidential Powers (Temporary Measures) (Amendment of Electoral  Act) Regulations, 2013

WHEREAS,  if a situation  affecting,  for  instance,  the general  public  interest  of Zimbabwe,  cannot  be  dealt  with  adequately in  terms  of any other  law  and,  because of its  urgency,  it is  inexpedient  to await the  passage  through  Parliament  of an  Act  to  deal  with  it,  the  President  is  empowered  in terms  of section  2  of the  Presidential  Powers  (Temporary  Measures)  Act  [Chapter  I 0. 20]  to make such regulations as  be considers will deal  with  that situation;

AND  WHEREAS  such  a  situation  has  arisen  in  connection  with  the  decision  and  order  of  the Constitutional  Court  of Zimbabwe  made  pursuant  to  the  case  of Mawarire  v.  Robert  Gabriel Mugabe  and others  (Judgment No.  CCZ  1/ 13),  delivered  on  the  31st May,  2013,  the  effect  or which  was  to  order  the  President  to  issue  the  necessary  proclamation  for  Presidential, Parliamentary and local authority elections to take place no later than the 31st July, 2013;

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