Parliamentary Committees Series 28/2019 - Open Committee Meetings Monday 22 to Thursday 25 July



[19th July 2019]

Open Committee Meetings Monday 22nd to Thursday 25th July

The portfolio committees mentioned below will be meeting in open session next week.  These committee meetings will be held at Parliament in Harare on the dates and at the times and venues within the Parliament building indicated below    

Members of the public may attend these meetings – but as observers only, not as participants, i.e. they may observe and listen but not speak.

If attending, please use the entrance to Parliament on Kwame Nkrumah Ave between 2nd and 3rd Streets. Please note that IDs must be produced.

The details given in this bulletin are based on the latest information from Parliament. But, as there are sometimes last-minute changes to the meetings schedule, persons wishing to attend should avoid disappointment by checking with the committee clerk that the meeting concerned is still on and open to the public. Parliament’s telephone numbers are Harare 2700181 and 2252940/1.

Reminder: Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can at any time send written submissions to Parliamentary committees by email addressed to or by letter posted to the Clerk of Parliament, P.O. Box 298, Causeway, Harare or delivered at Parliament’s Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance in Harare.

Monday 22nd July at 10.00 am

Portfolio Committee:  Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage; Commissioner General of Police and Immigration Department on challenges faced by their departments at ports of entry

Venue: Committee Room No. 311

Portfolio Committee:  Environment and Tourism   

Oral evidence from the Forestry Commission Board on challenges facing the forestry sector

Venue: Committee Room No. 413

Portfolio Committee:  Transport and Infrastructural Development

Oral evidence from ZINARA on the state of affairs at the Parastatal

Venue: National Assembly Chamber

Monday 22nd  July at 2 pm

Thematic Committee: HIV and AIDS

Oral evidence from the  Permanent Secretary for Finance and Economic Development on the US$ 6 million outstanding payment to the Global Fund

Venue: National Assembly Chamber

Portfolio Committee:  Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Joint meeting with the Portfolio Committee on Primary and Secondary Education to receive oral evidence from the Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) and the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) on the petition by ZIMTA on the erosion of teachers’ salaries due to Inflation.

Venue: National Assembly Chamber

Tuesday 23rd  July at 10 am

Portfolio Committee:  Health and Child Care   

Oral evidence from the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Health and Child Care on the operations of the Mental Health Tribunal Review Board

Venue: Committed Room No. 1

Portfolio Committee:  Lands, Agriculture, Climate, Water and Rural Resettlement

Oral evidence from the Tobacco Industry Marketing Board on challenges faced during the 2019 tobacco marketing season

Venue: Senate Chamber

Portfolio Committees: Foreign Affairs and International Trade & Industry and Commerce

Oral evidence from the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade on government’s policy thrust on economic diplomacy

Venue: National Assembly Chamber  

Thursday 25th  July at 10 am

Portfolio Committee:Information, Media and Broadcasting Services

Oral evidence from Transmedia Corporation on contractual terms with Multi- Choice Media

Venue: Senate Chamber  


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