SI 2020-047 Companies and Other Business Entities (Fees) Regulations, 2020

IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, in consultation with the Companies Office has, in terms of section 300 of the Companies and Other Entities Act [Chapter 24:31], made the following regulations:—
1. These regulations may be cited as Companies and Other Business Entities (Fees), Regulations, 2020.
Name search and registration fees
2. (1) In respect of a name search in terms of the Act, there shall be payable to the Companies Office, at the time of making the search the amount prescribed in the First Schedule.
(2) In respect of each application for the registration of a registrable entity in terms of the Act there shall be payable to the Companies Offi ce, at the time of making the application, fees listed in the First Schedule.

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