Report on the Status of Border Posts - Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services


There was a general outcry regarding smuggling of goods and precious minerals, human trafficking, delays in processing of travelling documents, rampant corruption and illegal exit and entry into the country, at various border posts. This has resulted in Government losing taxes and duties accordingly, hence, impacting negatively to economic development. Various stakeholders including civil societies and the media testified that there was need for Government to act immediately and address these trepidations. Cognisant, of the fundamental importance of water tight border post to the country’s development agenda, the Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services resolved to conduct an inquiry on the status of border posts in Zimbabwe.  

2.0      OBJECTIVES.

In its inquiry, the Committee was guided by the following objectives

  1. To familiarize members with the operations of the Immigration Department and the Zimbabwe Republic Police;
  2. To appreciate the challenges being faced by the Immigration Department and Zimbabwe Republic Police;
  3. To assess strategies being implemented by the security sector in curbing smuggling and human tracking; and
  4. To offer policy recommendations for improvements.


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