BILL WATCH 55/2020
[14th August 2020]
Progress on the Legislative Agenda for this Session of Parliament
Note: All gazetted Acts or Bills are shown with links: those without links are not gazetted and therefore not available.
Number of Bills from the Legislative Agenda Still to be Enacted: Total 25
Bills on the Legislative Agenda for This Session
1. That were Carried Forward from First Session Agenda
- Freedom of Information Bill [now Act 1 of 2020 [link]]
Currently in Parliament
- Zimbabwe Media Commission Bill [link]
- Cyber Security and Data Protection Bill [link] Note that this was an amalgamation of two Bills that were on the Legislative Agenda: a Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Bill and a Data Protection and Electronic Transactions Bill.
Undone /Still to do
- High Court Amendment Bill
- Public Finance Management Amendment Bill
- Gold Trade Amendment Bill
- Precious Stones Trade Amendment Bill
- Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill
- Broadcasting Services Amendment Bill
- Child Justice Bill
- Mandatory Sentencing for Rape and Sexual Offences Bill
- Immigration Bill.
2. Appearing on the Legislative Agenda for the First Time
Enacted [Gazetted as Acts]
Passed by Parliament, but not yet gazetted as an Act
Currently in Parliament
- Pension and Provident Funds Amendment Bill [link]
Undone/still to do
- Labour Court Bill
- Magistrates Court Amendment Bill
- Police Bill
- Insurance and Pensions Commission Amendment Bill
- Securities and Exchange Commission Bill
- Deposit Protection Corporation Amendment Bill
- Competition Amendment Bill
- Petroleum Amendment Bill
- Medical Aid Societies Bill
- Persons with Disabilities Bill
- Private Voluntary Organisations Bill
- Prisons and Correctional Service Bill
In addition to the 25 Bills that were on the Legislative Agenda and which still have to be passed, the Government has made many assurances to both its citizens and the international community wanting to invest in Zimbabwe that the full implementation of the Constitution will be expedited. It is now seven years after the Constitution came into force and there is still new legislation and amendments to existing legislation outstanding to align the laws of Zimbabwe with the Constitution.
The Government introduced Bills which were not on the Legislative Agenda and since March this year there have been some delays because of the necessity for Covid-19 precautions, but the government is very behind on its Legislative Agenda for this session. This is a session which began on 1st October 2019 will probably will end about the end of September. There is a lot of work for the Government still to do.
Bills Prepared that were Not on This Session’s Legislative Agenda: Total 15
Enacted [Gazetted as Acts]
- International Treaties Bill [now Act 2 of 2020 [link]
In addition the following are automatically prepared every year and irrespective of the Legislative Agenda
In Parliament
Passed by Parliament but not yet sent to President
Passed by National Assembly but still in Senate
- Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 1) Bill [re-run of Senate 3rd Reading vote as ordered by Constitutional Court] [link]
- Marriages Bill [link]
- Constitutional Court Bill [link]
Still in the National Assembly
- Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 2) Bill [link]
- Attorney-General’s Office Amendment Bill [link]
- National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Bill [link]
- Forest Amendment Bill [link]
- Financial Adjustments Bill [link]
- Manpower Planning and Development Bill [link]
In the Pipeline [awaiting gazetting, not yet available]
- Centre for Education, Innovation, Research and Development Bill