Parliamentary Committees Series 06/2021 - Open Virtual Committee Meetings- 15 to 18 March



[14th March 2021]

Committee Meetings Open to Public Attendance

Monday 15th to Thursday 18th March

There will be committee meetings open to virtual public attendance on Monday 15th, Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th March.  These meetings are listed below.   Most of these meetings will take place on the Zoom platform.

Members of the public interested in virtual attendance  the meetings as observers are welcome to access the meetings via Parliament’s social media pages – and  Or, in the case of meetings indicated as Zoom meetings below, contact Parliament’s Public Relations Department for log-in details – phone numbers 024 2700181-2 and 024 22

Monday 15th March at 9.30 am

Public Accounts Committee

Oral evidence from the  from ZESA Holdings executives on the ZESA Forensic Audit Report.

Venue:  Senate Chamber

Monday 15th March at 2 pm

Portfolio Committee:  Budget, Finance and Economic Development

Oral evidence from the  Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe [RBZ] on the on the Monetary Policy Statement and the foreign currency auction system.  The Monetary Policy Statement of February 2021 is available here [link].

Venue:  Senate Chamber

Portfolio Committee: Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

[Zoom meeting]

Oral evidence from the  Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare on:

  1. Government Policy regarding distribution of food under the Food Deficit Mitigation Programme;
  2. The disbursement of COVID-19 pandemic relief grants to vulnerable groups.

Venue: Government Caucus Room And Zoom meeting.

Portfolio Committee: Transport and Infrastructural Development

[Zoom meeting]

Venue:  Senate Chamber

Oral evidence from (1) the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Infrastructural Development and (2) the Commissioner-General of Police on measures being taken to reduce road carnage.

Venue:  Senate Chamber

Tuesday 16th March at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Lands, Agriculture, Water, Fisheries, Climate and Rural Resettlement

[Zoom meeting]

Oral evidence from the Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board on its preparedness for the 2020-2021 tobacco selling season.

Thursday 18th March at 8.30 am

Portfolio Committee: Primary and Secondary Education

[Zoom meeting]

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education on the performance in the 2020 Grade 7 examinations.

Thursday 18th March at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Information, Media and Broadcasting Services

[Zoom meeting]

Oral evidence on the operating environment for media practitioners from (1) the Ministry of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, (2) the National Association of Freelance Journalists and (3) the Zimbabwe Union of Journalists [ZUJ].

Portfolio Committee: Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation

[Zoom meeting]

Oral evidence from National Sports Associations on their readiness to resume sporting activities in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can at any time send written submissions to Parliamentary committees by email addressed to or by letter posted to the Clerk of Parliament, P.O. Box 298, Causeway, Harare or delivered to Parliament’s Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance in Harare.



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