Windhoek Declarations - 1991 and 2021 - Press Freedom

This page makes available the complete texts of two Declarations on Press Freedom, both issued at Windhoek, Namibia - the first in 1991 and the second on 3rd May 2021, World Press Freedom Day:

(1) The landmark Windhoek Declaration on Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Media issued on 3rd May 1991 at the end of a seminar organised by UNESCO.  The importance of the Windhoek Declaration led to its endorsement by the General Conference of UNESCO and, in 1993, the declaration of the 3rd of May as World Press Freedom Day by the United Nations General Assembly.  The 3rd May has been celebrated annually as World Press Freedom Day ever since.  This Declaration is the first document downloadable below.

(2)  The Windhoek+30 Declaration issued on 3rd May 2021 issued at the end of a UNESCO International Conference held - also, fittingly, in Windhoek - to mark the 30th anniversary of the original Windhoek Declaration.  The Windhoek+30 Declaration is the second document downloadable below.

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