Parliamentary Committees Series 19/2021 - Open Committee Meetings during the Coming Week



[29th May 2021]

Committee Meetings Open to Public Attendance on

Monday 31st May and Tuesday 1st and Thursday 3rd June

This bulletin notifies the committee meetings open to public attendance at Parliament in Harare in the coming week.  

Members of the public interested in virtual attendance at open meetings as observers are welcome to access the meetings via Parliament’s social media pages – and  

At physical and hybrid open meetings COVID-19 protocols will be strictly applied for those attending physically – masks, social distancing, numbers present, etc.  For those members of the public wishing to attend physically, we suggest phoning Parliament’s Public Relations Department to check whether attendance will be feasible.  Telephone numbers are 024 2700181-6.

The three open meetings are as follows:

Monday 31st May at 10.00 am

Portfolio Committee: Mines and Mining Development

Oral evidence from (1) the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development and (2) key stakeholders on the gold mining sector performance..

Venue: Senate chamber

Tuesday 1st June at 10.00 am

Portfolio Committee: Health and Child Care

Oral evidence from the Councils that fall under the Health Professions Authority on the issues raised in the petition from the Retail Pharmacies Association.

Venue: National Assembly Chamber

Hybrid of physical and virtual meeting

Thursday 3rd June at  10.00 am

Portfolio Committee: Information, Media and Broadcasting Services

Oral evidence from Y-FM on the petition regarding the issuance of Community Radio Station licences.

Venue: Committee Room No. 1

Hybrid of physical and virtual meeting


Other Committee Activities During the Week

For readers interested in knowing what other committees will be during this week, we attach a schedule provided by Parliament listing:

  • What is scheduled to be discussed in closed meetings;
  • The programme of Public Hearings to be conducted around the country on Sexual Harassment and the Law as already notified in our Committee Series Bulletin 18/2021 issued earlier today.



Members of the public, including Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, can at any time send written submissions to Parliamentary committees by email addressed to or by letter posted to the Clerk of Parliament, P.O. Box 298, Causeway, Harare or delivered to Parliament’s Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance in Harare.


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