Bill Watch Parliamentary Committees Series 04-2022 - Open Committee Meetings 7 to 11 March



[6th March 2022]

Open Committee Meetings Monday 7th to Thursday 10th March

Timetable of Open Meetings

[In the following tables "TC" means Senate Thematic Committee
and "PC" means National Assembly Portfolio Committee]

Monday 7th March at 10 am

Committee or Committees

Type of meeting


Joint Meeting

PCs on Defence, Home Affairs and Security Services; Environment; Mines and Mining Development

Hybrid meeting

Oral evidence from Mtoroshanga Community on Petition on the need to place Mtoroshanga Green Pools under the Protected Places & Areas Act

Monday 7th March at 2 pm

TC on

Physical Meeting

Oral evidence from the Acting Secretary for Health & Child Care on Progress made by Zimbabwe towards meeting the 95/95/95 Targets by 2025

Tuesday 8th March at 10 am

TC on SDGs

Virtual Meeting

Oral Evidence from the Zimbabwe Gender Commission on Efforts to Eliminate All Harmful Practices such as Child, Early and Forced Marriages of Girls and Women.  

Wednesday 9th March at 9 am

PC on Health and
Child Care

Physical Meeting Senate Chamber

Presentation from the Global Association of Clinical Officers and Physicians Associates on Their Role in Curbing COVID-19 & Their Importance in the Health Sector

Thursday 10th March at 10 am

TC on Indigenization and Empowerment

Virtual Meeting

Oral Evidence from the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry on the Empowerment Policies and Programmes in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry.  

PC on Primary and Secondary Education

Physical Meeting

National Assembly Chamber

Oral evidence from Minister of Primary and Secondary Education on the
Status of Education in Zimbabwe

PC  on Women Affairs, Community and Small and Medium Enterprises

Virtual meeting

Oral evidence from the Midlands community petitioners on the Incapacitation of the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community and SMEs Ward Development Officers.

PC on Information, Media and Broadcasting Services

Virtual meeting

Oral evidence from the Zimbabwe Media Commission [ZMC] , Zimbabwe Electoral Commission [ZEC] and Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation on:

1.      Accreditation process of media practitioners

2.      Implementation plan for fair and balanced coverage of All Political Parties during Elections


PC on Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation

Hybrid Meeting

National Assembly Chamber

Oral evidence from the (1) Ministry of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation and
(2) Sports and Recreation Commission on the Current State of Football Development in Zimbabwe.

Friday 11th March 2022

There will no committee meetings on Friday.

How to Follow Virtual Open Meetings on the ZOOM Platform

For assistance in following the proceedings in virtual open meetings on the ZOOM platform as observers, interested persons should contact the following for the meeting ID and passcode:

Parliament’s Public Relations Office, Tel: +263 242 700181-6  or  +263 242 252936 – 55.



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