Gazetted 2022-04-01
IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 39(6) of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13], that the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance has nominated Chezha Chinyani a registered voter of Ward 11 Victoria Falls, Matabeleland North Province, to fill the vacancy in the Senate that occurred following the death of Honourable Phillis Ncube on 1st February, 2022.
Any voters wishing to object to the nomination of Chezha Chinyani may, lodge their objections in writing with the Chief Elections Officer, at Mahachi Quantum Building, corner Kaguvi Street and Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare, or post them to Private Bag 7782, Causeway, within a period of 14 days from the date of publication of this notice, setting forth the reasons for the objections.
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.