Parliamentary Committees Series 12/2022 - Open Committee Meeting Thur 7 April, & Public Hearings Thur 7 and Fri 8 April



[6th April 2022]

Open Committee Meetings on Thursday 7th April 2022

Reminder: Public Hearings on Friday 8th April in Harare

There will be committee meetings open to attendance by members of the public on Thursday 7th April 2022, as follows:

Thursday 7th April at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Energy and Power Development

Virtual meeting

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Energy and Power Development on the policy direction for the fuel sector.

Portfolio Committee: Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation

Hybrid of virtual meeting and physical meeting in Committee Room 1

Oral evidence from the Minister of Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation on:

(1) a petition from the National Association of Youth Organisations (NAYO) on the need for Government to reconsider the proposed Re-introduction of the National Youth Service Programme; and

(2) an update on the current state of football developments in the country.

How to Follow Virtual Open Meetings on the ZOOM Platform

For assistance in following the proceedings in virtual open meetings on the ZOOM platform as observers, interested persons should contact the following for the meeting ID and passcode:

Parliament’s Public Relations Office, Tel: +263 242 700181-6  or  +263 242 252936 – 55.

Reminder about Public Hearings on Thursday and Friday

Further to our bulletins dated 1st April, Veritas reminds readers about three public hearings scheduled for Thursday 7th and Friday 8th April:


Public Hearing on petition by Budiriro High Density Water Supply on provision of adequate, clean and potable water by Harare City Council

Time:                   10 am

Venue:       Old Budiriro Open Space


Public Hearing on the Child Justice Bill [link]

Time:          9 am

Venue:       New Ambassador Hotel, Kwame Nkrumah Ave, Harare

Copies of the Bill are available for downloading on the Veritas website via the above link.

Public Hearing on petition received from Southlands Residents Association on land meant for public schools which was allocated to private developers by Harare City Council    

Time:                   10 am

Venue:       Southlands AFM Church.



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