Ministry of Justice, Legal & Parliamentary Affairs | |
09/05/19 | : Cabinet approved principles. |
31/05/19 | : Bill sent to government printers for printing |
19/07/19 | : Date of gazetting |
20/07/19 | : Bill Referred to Parliamentary Portfolio Committee |
22/07/19 | : Veritas Commentary on the Bill [link] |
26/08/19-30/08/19 | : Public Hearings : Bill appears on order paper |
29/08/19 | : Bill introduced to House /National Assembly : First reading |
29/08/19 | : Bill referred to Parliamentary Legal Committee |
03/12/19 | : PLC issued a non-adverse report |
05/12/19 | : Bill’s Second Reading (First appearance on order paper) |
11/02/20 | : Second reading |
11/02/20 | : Ministers Speech |
11/02/20 | : Parliamentary Portfolio Committee Report |
10/03/20 | : Debate and Speeches |
10/03/20 | : Minister’s response to report and debate : Second Reading motion approved |
26/05/20 | : Committee Stage |
28/05/20 | : Amendments made and sent to the PLC |
28/05/20 | :Veritas Comments on Amendments [link] |
03/06/20 | :PLC Report Amendments |
03/06/20 03/06/20 | :Third Reading : Bill transferred to Senate |
04/06/20 | : Bill received from National Assembly |
10/06/20 | : Minister’s speech [link] |
10/06/21 | : 2nd reading of the Bill |
21/04/21 | : Committee Stage |
17/02/22 | : Amendments made and sent to PLC |
01/03/22 | : Non adverse report by PLC |
02/02/22 | : Third Reading |
02/03/22 | : Bill sent to National Assembly |
08/03/22 | : National Assembly re-opened committee stage and adopted the amendments by Senate |
08/03/22 | : Third reading by National Assembly |
08/03/22 | : Bill passed by both Houses : Presidential Assent |
27/05/22 | : Bill gazetted General Notice Number 1156/2022[link]. |
16/08/22 | : Date of commencement. [link]. |
By SI 141 of 2022 [also available on this website] the Law Reviser corrected the above Chapter number to 5:17. because the number 5:15 had already been assigned to another Act. The downloadable document below has been updated with a note referring to this correction. [Note added on 26 September 2022]
By SI 164 of 2022 [also available on this website] the President fixed 16th September 2022 [the date of publication of the statutory instrument] as the date of commencement of this Act in terms of section 1(2) of the Act. The downloadable document below has been updated with a note referring to this statutory instrument. [Note added on 26 September 2022]