1.0 Introduction
The Portfolio Committee on Primary and Secondary Education received two petitions from Deaf Zimbabwe Trust and Mr. Shonhiwa on Inclusive Education Policy (IEP) and Better Schools Programme – Zimbabwe (BSPZ) respectively. Deaf Zimbabwe Trust raised concerns that the IEP has existed in draft form since 2019 despite the current education status which is not inclusive by excluding equal benefit of learners with disabilities. Deaf Zimbabwe Trust beseeched Parliament to exercise its legislative, representative and oversight function and protect the rights of pupils with disabilities in accordance with the spirit of the Constitution and international legal instruments of which Zimbabwe is a party and to ensure that MoPSE finalizes and adopt the IEP. On the other hand, Mr. Shonhiwa was aggrieved by the notion that schools were being deprived of infrastructural development, furniture and learning materials by the BSPZ’s demands for affiliation fees. Hence beseeched Parliament, to exercise its functions and protect the constitutionally guaranteed right to education and the rights of parents from abuses of public funds. The Committee deliberated on the two petitions and resolved to conduct an inquiry on the two matters.