Parliamentary Committees Series 22-2022 - Open Meetings for Week ending Friday 10th June



[3rd June 2022]

Open Committee Meetings for Week ending Friday 10th June

Both Houses of Parliament will resume sitting next week, on Tuesday 7th June after a recess that started on Friday 20th May. 

Committee meetings and other committee activities will resume on Monday 6th June.  These other activities include

·        public hearings to be conducted by the Portfolio Committee on Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation to hear the views of the public and youth and other organisations on the Impact of the Empower Bank on Youth; these hearings have already been notified by our Committee Series bulletin 21/2022.

Open Meetings during the Coming Week

Only two committee meetings that are open to attendance by members of the public (as observers only) are scheduled for the week, as shown immediately below. 

Tuesday 7th June at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Local Government and Public Works

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works on the 2021 Third and Fourth Quarter Budget Performance Reports.

Physical meeting

Venue: National Assembly Chamber.

Thursday 9th June at 10 am

Portfolio Committee: Information, Media and Broadcasting Services

Oral evidence from the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, New ZIANA and Zimbabwe Mass Media Trust on strategy to resuscitate New ZIANA.

Virtual meeting

How to Follow Virtual and Hybrid Open Meetings on the ZOOM Platform

For assistance in following the proceedings in virtual and hybrid open meetings on the ZOOM platform as observers, interested persons should contact the following for the meeting ID and passcode:

Parliament’s Public Relations Office, Tel: +263 242 700181-6  or  +263 242 252936 – 55.

Other Committee Activities This Week
(Not Open to Public Attendance)

Verification visits

To Selected Prisons  The Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs will split into two teams to pay visits to selected prisons.  Team A will be visiting Chikurubi Maximum Prison, Harare Remand Prison, Bindura Prison, Hurungwe Prison and Whawha Young Offenders Prison near Gweru.  Team B will be visiting Connemara Open Prison in Gweru, Khami Maximum Prison and Anju Prison Farm in Bulawayo, and Plumtree Prison.

To Selected Schools  The Portfolio Committee on Primary and Secondary Education will split into two teams to pay visits to selected schools to check on construction of schools, provision of ICT equipment and provision of sanitary wear.  Team A will visit schools in Gokwe North, Zvishavane, Tsholotsho, Hwange and Nkayi.  Team B will visit schools in Rushinga, Mutoko, Chipinge, Zaka and Mazingunye.


Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development  The committee will deliberate on evidence received from the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development on the utilisation of IMF Special Drawing Rights funds.

Portfolio Committee on Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare   The committee will deliberate on submissions received on the Labour Amendment Bill.

Portfolio Committee on Transport and Infrastructural Development  The committee will deliberate on the petition from Zambezi Transport Company on the establishment of the Road Accident Fund.

Portfolio Committees on Environment, Defence and Home Affairs, and Mines and Mining Development   These three committees will deliberate on the evidence received from the relevant Ministries on the petition from the Mutoroshanga Voluntary Group requesting Parliament’s help on the listing of the Mutoroshanga Green Pool under the Protected Places and Areas Act and the Environmental Management Act.

Consideration of Draft Reports

Public Accounts Committee [PAC]  The PAC will be considering the draft report on Non-submission of Financial Accounts by Local Authorities.

Portfolio Committee on Energy and Power  The committee be considering the draft report on the Supply and Distribution of Transformers in Zimbabwe.

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