Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013 (PDF Format) Nambya

NOTE by Veritas
This is a translation of the original 2013 text of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.
It does not include amendments made by Acts of Parliament in 2017 and 2021;
the validity of those Acts is still the subject of litigation in the Constitutional Court.

Kulamba nokubhisa iBumbilo lyemilawu yeZimbabwe.
WAKAVUMILWA nonTungamili weNyika neGota lyePalamende yeZimbabwe.
1 Unsholo mubufupi
Mulawu yoyu ungashobwa uwhi Ishanduko yeBumbilo yoMulawu we Zimbabwe (No. 20), 2013.
2 Kupandulula
Mumulawu yoyu—
“mawhi anoti iBumbilo lyeMilawu limushinga” anova iBumbilo lyeMilawu yeZimbabwe yakatanga kushinga unsi wa18 Ihomba, 1980, likobwilululwa mushule mwezo;
“iBumbilo lyeMilawu ibhya” zwinoleba iBumbilo lyeMilawu weZimbabwe lilokwalwa muShejulu.

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