Bill Watch Parliamentary Committee Series 1-2012



[29th May 2012]

Committee Meetings Open to the Public 28th to 31st May

Parliament has circulated one change to the list of open committee meetings notified in the Bill Watch – Parliamentary Committees Series bulletin dated 28th May.  The committee concerned is the Portfolio Committee on Small and Medium Enterprise.  Its meeting originally scheduled for today at 10 am will now be held on Thursday with a different agenda [see below]

For the convenience of interested parties we set out the full revised list of open meetings for Thursday only [there are no committee meetings on Wednesday 30th May]:

Thursday 31st May at 9 am

Portfolio Committee: Small & Medium Enterprises [AS RESCHEDULED]

Oral evidence from Zimbabwe National Cooperative Federation on their operations and challenges

Committee Room No. 1

Chairperson: Hon R. Moyo                         Clerk: Ms Mushunje

Thematic Committee: Human Rights

Oral evidence from Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee on its operations

Committee Room No. 2

Chairperson: Hon Marava                           Clerk: Ms Macheza


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