Gazetted 10-08-2022
THE Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs hereby—
(a) in terms of section 4 of the Reconstruction of State-Indebted Insolvent Companies Act [Chapter 24:27] (No. 27 of 2004) (the “Act”) issues a reconstruction order in relation to Hwange Colliery Company Limited; and
(b) appoints Mr Munashe Shava the Chief Operating Officer of Great Dyke Investments (Private) Limited, having its principal place of business at First Floor, Central Block, Borrowdale Office Park Road, Harare, to be the administrator of the company under reconstruction, together with Ms. Mutsa Mollie Jean Remba, a Partner at Dube Manikai and Hwacha, legal practitioners, who shall be the assistant administrator of Hwange Colliery Company Limited working under his control and direction; and