[29th September 2022]
Nationwide Public Consultations on 2023 National Budget
Monday 3rd to Friday 7th October
Next week the Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development and the Expanded Committee on Sustainable Development Goals will be conducting nationwide public consultations on the 2023 National Budget from Monday 3rd to Friday 7th October. Members of the two committees will split up into four teams so as to provide widest possible coverage.
The purpose of the public consultations is to give effect to Parliament’s constitutional obligation to facilitate public involvement in its legislative and other processes and in the processes of committees [Constitution, section 141]. Parliament’s role in the formulation of the National Budget is amongst its most important processes. Members of the two Parliamentary committees conducting these public consultations will be able to pass on to their fellow MPs information about the views held by taxpayers and other members of the public expressed during the consultations about Budget priorities and the allocation of funds among Ministries and what those funds should be spent on.
Written submissions For those who may not be able to attend next week’s consultations, there is the option of written submissions to Parliament, as explained at the end of this bulletin. Written submissions should, however, be submitted soon because the Budget process from now on is an intense one, so those choosing to make written submissions should be guided by the catchphrase “the sooner, the better”.
Useful background reading can be found in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development’s publication Budget Strategy Paper 2023 – Accelerating Economic Transformation [BSP] which is available on the Veritas website [link]. This paper was presented to Parliament on 28th July by the Minister of Finance and Economic Development, following its approval by Cabinet.
The BSP is a policy document that outlines the proposed 2023 budget priorities after taking into account the macroeconomic conditions in the country. It is meant to improve transparency in the preparation of the National Budget and forms the basis for a detailed budget preparation process that will culminate in the presentation and approval of the 2023 Budget by Parliament later on in the year.
The BSP refers to the National Development Strategy 1: 2021-2025 [NDS1], also available on the Veritas website [link].
Consultations Programme
[supplied by Parliament]
Date | Time | Venue |
Monday 03 October | 10:30 hrs | Mt Darwin Sports Club |
Tuesday 04 October | 10:30 hrs | Shamva Country Club |
Wednesday 05 October | 10:30 hrs | Guruve, Juckers Inn Booking House |
Thursday 06 October | 10:30 hrs | Goromonzi RDC |
Friday 07 October | 10:30 hrs | Goromonzi Majuru Hotel |
Date | Time | Venue |
Monday 03 October | 10:30 hrs 14:00 hrs | Harare, Ambassador Hotel Epworth Local Board |
Tuesday 04 October | 10:30 hrs | Mhondoro, Ngezi High School Hall |
Wednesday 05 October | 10:30 hrs | Chakari, Golden Valley Hotel |
Thursday 06 October | 10:00 hrs | Shurugwi, Dorset Business Hall |
Friday 07 October | 10:30 hrs | Zvishavane, Chiedza Hall |
Date | Time | Venue |
Monday 03 October | 10:30 hrs | Nkayi, Agape Hotel |
Tuesday 04 October | 10:30 hrs | Kezi Omadu Maphisa |
Wednesday 05 October | 10:30 hrs 14:00 hrs | Bulawayo, Selbourne Hotel Makokoba, Stanley Hall |
Thursday 06 October | 10:30 hrs | Felabusi, Insiza RDC |
Friday 07 October | 10:30 hrs | Gwanda, Jahunda Primary School |
Date | Time | Venue |
Monday 03 October | 10:30 hrs | Nyanga, RDC Hall |
Tuesday 04 October | 10:30 hrs | Chipinge, Community Hall |
Wednesday 05 October | 10:30 hrs | Ngundu, Rocky Motel |
Thursday 06 October
10:30 hrs 14:30 hrs | Masvingo: Mucheke Hall Nemamwa Community Hall |
Friday 07 October | 10:30 hrs | Chivu, Chikomba RDC Hall |
The usual rules for Parliamentary public hearings will apply:
All those wearing military uniforms, signs of ranks, flags or badges and political party regalia will not have access to the public hearing.
The public, interested groups, organisations and individuals are invited to attend these public hearings.
The public hearings will at all times comply with the Ministry of Health and Child Care COVID-19 Regulations regarding the observing of social distancing, sanitization, temperature screening and wearing of facial masks. All members of the public are urged to observe these requirements which will be monitored by the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare teams.
Written Submissions
Written submissions and correspondences are welcome and should be addressed to:
The Clerk of Parliament
Attention: Portfolio Committee on Budget, Finance and Economic Development
P.O Box CY 298
Causeway, Harare
Submissions can also be made by email through: