Constitution Watch 7-2009


[12th July 2009]

First All-Stakeholders Conference on the New Constitution

Monday 13th – Tuesday 14th July 2009

Venue Harare International Conference Centre


Accreditation to the First all Stakeholders Conference is now in Progress

[Registration from 8 am Sunday]

Organisations have to bring in lists of delegates on their organisation’s letterhead and their official letter of invitation from Parliament.

All delegates are required to register in person.  ID badges with photos will be issued to all registered delegates.


The Civil Society Open Space

This is open now in Jacaranda Room 1, Rainbow Towers, for the use of networking, caucusing and support to CSO delegates.  Civil society organisations are encouraged to make use of this facility which will be open from 8 am Sunday to Tuesday evening.

If CSOs are experiencing accommodation problems - there are only 2750 accommodation spaces available – NANGO is organising logistical support for CSO delegates in case of possible shortages. 


Draft Programme

Please note the Programme has still not been finalised – a series of meetings are taking place now to try and finalise it.


Day 1 Sunday July 12th  Check in and Registration


Day 2 Monday 13th July

Chairpersons:  Prof Makurane and Dr Hope Sadza


9.00  National Anthem

Opening Prayer


Welcome Remarks          Speaker of House of Assembly Hon L. N. Moyo

Remarks                            Deputy Prime Minister Hon. A.G.O. Mutambara

Remarks                            Prime Minister Hon. R.M. Tsvangirai

Keynote Address`            His Excellency The President Cde R.G. Mugabe

                                           This is still being confirmed

Vote of Thanks                 President of Senate Hon. E. Madzongwe


10.30 – 11.00               Tea Break


11.00 – 13.00               Plenary Session

Objectives of the All Stakeholders Conference – by Select Committee

Presentations from other countries: Best Practices [Note: there will be no visiting speakers – but this slot has not been replaced]


13.00 – 14.00               Lunch


14.00                             Group Work

  • Proposal for Thematic Committees
  • Proposal on process of consultation
  • Composition of Thematic Committees
  • Guiding Constitutional Principles


Day 3 – Tuesday 14th July 2009


  1. Group Work Presentations in Plenary



Here the programme becomes unclear.  Either the Conference will finish at lunch time or [this is still being debated] it will be extended to continue after lunch


                   Group Work presentations in the plenary continued


Way forward

Closing Remarks: President of the Senate Hon. E. Madzongwe

Closing Prayer





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