BILL WATCH 03-2023 - 1. PVO Bill as amended. 2. Public Hearings on Electoral Amendment Bill - 30 and 31 January


[28th January 2023]

(1) PVO Amendment Bill as amended by the National Assembly

(2) Public Hearings on Electoral Amendment Bill on
Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st January

PVO Amendment Bill As Amended by National Assembly

We have had numerous requests for soft copies of the Private Voluntary Organisations Amendment Bill, as passed by the National Assembly in December 2022 incorporating the comprehensive amendments made by the National Assembly, and sent to the Senate.  The soft copy, supplied by Parliament and incorporating those amendments shown in red font, is attached and is also available on the Veritas website [link].   

The Bill is on the Senate Order Paper for consideration on Tuesday 31st January 2023.  As the amended Bill is obviously considered urgent by the Government, Veritas considers it likely to be brought up in the Senate then..  

Public Hearings on Monday and Tuesday on
Electoral Amendment Bill

The Portfolio Committee on Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs will conduct virtual public hearings on the Electoral Amendment Bill (H.B. 11, 2022) [link] on Monday afternoon 30th January and Tuesday morning 31st January as follows:





Monday, 30 January

National FM Radio Station

2.00 pm

Star FM Radio Station

4.00 pm

Tuesday, 31 January

ZOOM Platform

9.00 am


How to participate in the public hearings on FM radio stations

Instructions will be given at the start of the of the radio programmes on Monday afternoon.

How to participate in the public hearing on the ZOOM platform

Please share your email address with in order to be provided with log-in details by email.

About the Electoral Amendment Bill

The Bill was gazetted on 18th November last year.  It is a Ministry of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs bill and was read for the first time in the National Assembly on Wednesday 7th December 2021.   It is available on the Veritas website where it can be downloaded [link]

Veritas critical commentary on the Bill was given in Election Watch 7/2022 of 23rd November 2022 [link].

Download Document 
