[25th March 2023]
Open Committee Meetings : Monday 27th to Thursday 30th March
The Committee meetings listed below for Monday 27th March, Tuesday 28th March and Thursday 30th March will be open to attendance by members of the public as observers only. Members of the public proposing to attend a meeting should use the Kwame Nkrumah Avenue entrance to Parliament near Third Street and remember that IDs will be required to gain entry.
Note 1. Both Senate Thematic Committee meetings and National Assembly Portfolio Committee meetings are listed. [Both Houses will resume sittings this coming week.]
Note 2. There will be a mixture of physical meetings, virtual meetings and hybrid meetings (physical and virtual). There is an explanation later in this bulletin of how to attend a meeting virtually.
Monday 27th March at 10 am
Joint Portfolio Committees: Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry & Energy and Power Development
Oral evidence from the Harare City Council on the construction of the Mbare Biogas Digester.
Hybrid meeting
Venue: Committee Room No. 413.
Monday 27th March at 2 pm
Portfolio Committee: Budget, Finance and Economic Development
Oral evidence from the Minister of Finance and Economic Development on Debt Resolution Plans.
Virtual meeting
Thematic Committee: HIV and AIDS
Oral evidence from the National AIDS Council (NAC) on the Door-to-Door ARV Delivery Programme.
Physical meeting
Venue: National Assembly Chamber.
Tuesday 21st March at 10 am
Portfolio Committee: Health and Child Care
Oral evidence from the Ministry of Health and Child Care on:
- The petition from Ms Nyasha Mpame on the Cancer Situation in Zimbabwe; and
- The petition from Brave Little Hearts on the Plight of Children Living with Heart Disease Conditions.
Virtual meeting.
Thursday 23rd March at 10 am
Portfolio Committee: Youth, Sport, Arts and Recreation
Oral evidence from the Sports and Recreation Commission on progress on implementation of recommendations on the Committee’s Report on the state of football development in Zimbabwe.
Hybrid meeting
Venue: Committee Room No. 2.
How to Follow Virtual and Hybrid Open Meetings on the ZOOM Platform
Parliament seems to have reverted to the practice of holding some committee meetings as virtual and hybrid meetings.
For assistance in following the proceedings in virtual and hybrid open meetings on the ZOOM platform as observers, interested persons should contact the following for the meeting ID and passcode: Parliament’s Public Relations Office, Tel: +263 242 700181–6 or +263 242 252936–55.
Veritas will also make efforts to notify the meeting IDs and passcodes on our social media platforms [see below].