ZHRC Annual Report 2022

The ninth Annual Report of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission provides an overview of the activities of the Commission in the past year carried out in line with its constitutional mandate as provided for in section 243 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe.

In 2022, the effects of COVID-19 subsided, culminating in the relaxation of restrictive and containment measures. Access to basic services such as healthcare and education was restored and enjoyment of human rights improved significantly. However, the ZHRC gathered that inflation remained an impediment affecting people's livelihoods during this course of the year, considering people were still battling with the impact of the COVID-191ockdown. The latter exacerbated social inequalities with lowincome families being subjected to the most substantial inflationary strains including lack of access to food and decent housing for their families. After assessing the economic challenges, the GoZ introduced the gold coins on 25 July as part of policy measures to lessen demand for the 'greenback'. The ZHRC commends the GoZ for this initiative, which has stabilized the exchange rate.



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