HB 157-23 Tatenda Madzinashe & Ors v Innocent Ncube N.O. and Ors

The applicants are moving me to grant them a declaratur and consequential relief. The premise of this application on the provisions of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13} ("the Act "). Their bone of contention is that the commission which sat as the nomination court at the Bulawayo Magistrates Court, Tredgold Building on 21 June 2023 vio lated the law, in particular, s -16[7] & [8] of the Act when it accepted the Respondents' nomination papers for election to members of the National House of Assembly of Zimbabwe in the election which are to be held on 23 August 2023 after 1600 Hours and proceeded to sit to the early hours of22 June 2023. They, accordingly: seek a declaration to the effect that the decision of the nomination court is null and void and consequently, be set aside and that the names of the affected Respondents be excluded, from the ballot papers which will be used in the elections to be held on 23 August 2023 of their respective constituencies.



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