Prince D. Sibanda and Ors v Sengezo Tshabangu and Ors Urgent Court Application

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT if you intend to oppose this application you will have to so on an urgent basis and for that reason:

1 You will have to file a Notice of Opposition as provided for in the rules of court, together with one or more opposing affidavits within 3 (THREE) days of service of this application upon you. NB: Please note that the dies induciae has been truncated and may be revised further by the Judge.

2 You will also have to serve a copy of the Notice of Opposition and affidavits on the applicant at the address for service specified below.

3 Your affidavits may have annexed to them documents verifying the facts set out in the affidavits.

4 Applicant will in turn file her Answering affidavit and Heads of Argument within 2 (TWO) days of service upon her of the opposing papers.

5 As this matter will be dealt with on an urgent basis, you will have to file your heads of argument in the period between your receipt of applicant's Heads of Argument and the set down of the matter.

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT the judge seized with this matter may issue additional or different directions from those proposed at any case management hearing.

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE THAT if you do not attend the case management hearing or otherwise comply with the timelines set out in this application, the matter may be heard in your absence to your possible prejudice.



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