Parliamentary Committees Series 20-2023 - No Open Committee Meetings Next Week



[27th October 2023]

Next Week's Committee Meetings Not Open to the Public

National Assembly Portfolio Committees, including the Parliamentary Accounts Committee, will meet again next week on Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st October only.  

This weeks meetings will not be open to members. 

They follow the pre-2024 Budget Consultation meetings held last week which members of the public were able to attend.  During those consultative meetings committee members heard from Ministries they oversee – and their stakeholders such as parastatals – about their priorities for the 2024 National Budget.  

The task facing committees this coming Monday and Tuesday is to consider and adopt their Reports for presentation later in the week at the four-day pre-Budget Seminar which will follow the next day.  

Pre-Budget Seminar

This annual pre-Budget event will this year take place at the new Parliament Building at Mount Hampden over four days, Wednesday 1st November to Saturday 4th November. 

Parliament’s Move to the New Site

Yesterday, Thursday  the Chinese government, which funded the building, formally handed over the new Parliament Building to President Mnangagwa.  Today Parliamentary staff started moving to their new premises.  The move is expected to be finished in time for the next sittings of both the Senate and the National Assembly to take place there on Tuesday 7th November.  The Pre-Budget Seminar will be held there, as mentioned in the previous paragraph.

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